domenica 18 maggio 2014

FIRST stage

here is a picture of the moment disassembly of the bike, just removed the gas tank, I'm 19 years old and I do this for passion, passion in this case to bike, but also incredibly passionate about cars, their history and their design, for I would like this to work with them, help me to give life to a dream ... who is more fortunate to help me get to the end, I will be eternally grateful for any gesture! thank you very much! NEVER STOP DREAMING

moto guzzi cardellino

hello guys! we have gone from a bit of time because we've got to start the restoration of an old Moto Guzzi 50s is a goldfinch 75 luxury 73cc ... first we removed every part to provide for the cleaning and replacement of parts broken or worn out , and now we are cleaning the engine and doing replace some parts like ball bearings, shaft , piston, cylinder , gaskets and seals , then we will start the installation of the new engine ..... being a university student i do not have large funds to continue to constantly work, then please make a small donation if you can , what you can, or if you know someone who can do it please help me , I will keep the blog updated on the phases of the restoration , in the meantime here's a photo of the poor motorcycle at the time of withdrawal ...PLEASE CLICK ON THE BUTTON TO contribute DONATION AND RESTORATION OF THESE VEHICLES VINTAGE ..I wonder if this project goes well I would gladly be happy to continue the "occupation " of restorer ! thank you all!

lunedì 10 febbraio 2014


I have some ideas to create some apps for iOS but I do not have the knowledge and the means to translate these into reality, please someone is willing to exchange ideas and to offer their skills? if you write a comment, each of us has qualities and if the union is strength together we can become invincible, I am looking for people who are able to plan and build applications for iOS, maybe you could rise to the most downloaded application of all time, just believe in what you do and be determined in what you know! ENJOYDREAM!-----
INSTAGRAM !----> whoisthemostgenerousman

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014


I'm a young guy, with many, many dreams and this is a crucial period for me, I have to decide soon what to do in my life, despite the university feel that I miss my dreams, everyone should be able to realize their dreams in life, and I'm trying in any way to be able to reach them, no matter how often will beat my head every time I will look forward with confidence and hope, because the goal is just around the corner, I AM DETERMINED AND I WANT TO MAKE MY DREAMS .... thanks for the support!    ENJOYDREAM!

martedì 4 febbraio 2014

LAMBRETTA FOUND! we must restore it!

fantastic! we have found an Innocenti lambretta 125 all rusty, firm at least 40 years, but important thing, it still has the original engine and all the pieces of the time, we are contacting the owner to restore this bike and back to it its original splendor, we hope to achieve it! SUPPORT U.S.! we will update you on the facts, we will put a picture as soon as possible! not stop dreaming! ENJOYDREAM!  (this is the model of Lambretta we found!)


1% of the richest people have more money than the rest of the world, we are talking about huge sums of course, and 80% of the world has to be shared only 6% of global wealth .... there are people who earn every day disproportionate numbers, such as Gina Rinehart, Australia which has a capital of 22.6 billion, gaining 1.5 million every HOUR, but also Mexican, French and Arabic .... I think that these people just do not cost anything to donate money to the works of well, to realize the dreams of many such would suffice hour of "failure" of the Ms. Gina gain, the giver has a big heart, but who does not put you hand on your heart and you start to think that here, in the world, there are not only the money, you are not alone ..! SHARE and begin to give the desire to dream to many people .. ENJOYDREAM

lunedì 3 febbraio 2014


would be great to raise funds with the purpose to restore motorcycles and why not cars, and on the basis of money donated for the reconstruction split the proceeds of the sale of the vehicle reconditioned with "donors" ... now it's a dream, who knows if a day it will be possible! I am alone, but the web is huge ...! ENJOYDREAM

moto guzzi 50cc 1960

we found this specimen of Moto Guzzi of 1970, it is the "dingo" 50cc, let us help to restore it and give him back the old glory, help us to bring life back to this little gem! PLEASE DONATE

sabato 1 febbraio 2014

Super-donazione Gates per i vaccini, il plauso dell'UNICEF!

Dieci miliardi di dollari in dieci anni per i vaccini nei Paesi in via di sviluppo: un impegno senza precedenti che salverà innumerevoli vite umane
L’UNICEF plaude all’impegno della Fondazione “Bill & Melinda Gates”, reso pubblico il 29 gennaio scorso al World Economic Forum di Davos, di devolvere una donazione senza precedenti – 10 miliardi di dollari – per la ricerca, lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di vaccini per i Paesi in via di sviluppo nell’arco dei prossimi 10 anni.
«Questa donazione mette in evidenza il ruolo essenziale che le vaccinazioni hanno nel ridurre la mortalità materna e infantile» ha dichiarato Ann Veneman, direttore generale dell’UNICEF. «Queste risorse assicureranno la sopravvivenza e l’immunizzazione di moltissimi bambini
«Vogliamo che il decennio che si è appena aperto sia il decennio dei vaccini» ha affermato Bill Gates.
Secondo le parole di Melinda, moglie del fondatore di Microsoft, ormai ritiratosi a tempo pieno alla guida della propria Fondazione, «i vaccini sono un miracolo, con poche dosi possono prevenire malattie che devastano una vita intera. Alla Fondazione Gates abbiamo scelto di dare ai vaccini la massima priorità, perché abbiamo visto in prima persona l’impatto che hanno sulla vita dei bambini
I vaccini hanno avuto un ruolo essenziale nel ridurre del 99% l’incidenza della polio (dal 1988 a oggi) e nel diminuire del 78% la mortalità da morbillo (tra il 2000 e il 2008).

venerdì 31 gennaio 2014


questo blog è nato con l'intenzione di scoprire chi è l'uomo più generoso del mondo,attraverso donazioni monetarie.
La classifica verrà aggiornata ogni due settimane,i fondi raccolti tramite le donazioni verranno utilizzati a loro volta come donazioni verso i più bisognosi,persone o associazioni...cosa dire,la partita è aperta!


This blog was created with the intent to find out who is the most generous man in the world, through monetary donations.
The leaderboard will be updated every two weeks, the funds raised through donations will be used, in turn, as donations to the needy, persons or groups ... what to say, the game is still on!